Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fringe - The sad turn.

I love Fringe. But lately, I've been loving it less and less. This past episode almost had me give up on it. I don't want to sound picky: when I searched for Fringe and the floating letters, I was expecting to see other people just as unhappy at their decline as I was, but what I saw was just the opposite. People actually want the letters to stop!

In the first two episodes of Fringe, I thought the floating words of orientation were amazing. Particularly when the words were no longer the focus of attention but still appeared in the background. This, for me, showed that the words were actually part of the diegesis. The show is all about things you and I do not fully comprehend, so the words stood as a way of saying making you ask "Are they really there? or Why couldn't they be?"

Just as you are asked to believe that a computer program can liquefy your brains, you are being asked to believe that large gray letters might be able to exist in the actual environment of the scene. After the second episode the floating letters never appeared in the background, but you still got them. In this past episode, I had to wait about 30 minutes before the first letters appeared and even then, they only appeared twice. So if any of the producers read my blog, I beg of you, please don't remove this unique element of the show from it!

Update 05/13
The letters are back and better than ever. I love this great aspect of this exciting show!

1 comment:

Campanas de Belen said...

jojo me gusta mucho la forma en que suplicas =)
y me agrada tu diseño =D
y seré honesta... no había puesto tanta atención en esas letras, pero gracias a ti, lo haré (por lo que dices, parece qeu me he perdido de mucho).
P.D. Tengo que escribir mi comentario en inglés?