Thursday, February 12, 2009

Go fight about it.

The argument is this: Abortion ends a life, which left to carry out its own course, would have existed. This is a rupture in the natural order of things, and therefore wrong. What I haven't heard about, and am just dying to hear about is the contribution which is just another form of cloning. You are creating life in people who would, through the natural order of things, not have had kids, and not possibly had 8 kids, as is evermore frequent. The church recognizes that it is possible that two people might not be physically able to have children together. The church's answer to people who find themselves in this predicament? An annulment - the marriage never happened. What I'm trying to say by all this is that, just as an abortion is an abnormal, and not by the will of a high power, termination of a life, fertility clinics, which are abnormal ways of starting life, must be seen on equal terms - it's wasn't god's doing. And if you're one of the unfortunate people who find themselves in this position, the churches response to you is "tough luck", you aren't someone who is meant to have children.