Friday, November 7, 2008

Some stupid thing you've seen before.

Either you're a complete idiot, or I'm right in saying that this study is a piece of shit:

It's that famous study, where some dude wrote using misspelled words, but keeping the first and the last letter the same.

Well I rearranged the letters of the first paragraph of an article from the times, does it work?

Keep in mind that this would take about 15 seconds to read with standard spelling.

RMOE - Ialtnias nveer qitue konw wehehtr to lguah or cry at Pirme Mntsiier Silvio Berlusconi. But Mnay rtecead wtih iltrcuendiy and orgtuae atefr the pmrie miietsnr, vtiinisg Mcosow on Tauhrdsy, albmaiy cleald the fsrit Aiarfcn-Acrmaien pndseriet-eclet in Ueitnd Setats hoirtsy "ynuog, hmsdnoae and sntauennd."

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