Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Benh Zeitlin

If you've seen the obama video "We have a lot of work to do".
You will note that complementing his amazing speed, is a great song by Dan Romer & Benh Zeitlin called "Memorial" "Elysian Fields" and "U.S.S. Jimmy Lee".

Upon finding this song, I realized that the movie, Glory at Sea, is almost entirely unavaible. It has a reference on iMDB (25 minute runtime) and a web page and a trailer, but no way to get it. You can't order it on amazon, you can't download it on itunes and the movie's website doesn't give any hints as to a general progression in that direction.

Here's my prediction: Benh Zeitlin, currently on the periphery of the public spot light, isn't going anywhere. He's definitely going to rise to fame, and I imagine that it will be through amazing soundtracks.

1 comment:

Court 13 said...

Thanks Zylvere! This is Benh Zeitlin, just letting your know that if you find "Store" on our website, you can order a dvd with glory at sea and all our other films, and on I think Nov 25 the soundtrack'll be on itunes